This is where you can find the last 30 daily workouts.  If you want to follow along, you can either start at the most recent or begin from the beginning and work your way up.  Some days will have certain muscle group focuses, while others will be full body so you might consider progressing with the series rather than jumping around the different days.

In general, each workout will be posted shortly after I have completed it so I can appropriately write them up and comment.  Each workout is created each day around lunch time each day that there is a workout post.  This ensures that I assess where I am at and how I am feeling from the previous workout.  This also helps to keep my workouts fresh and relevant with respect to my progress and general health.  Each of the workouts will have similarities but so far, no workouts are the exact same from anything previous.

Current 30 workout program

During the current 30 workout stretch, there will be emphasis on utilizing the jump rope in each of the workouts.  If you want to read a little more about the Jump Rope, you can read my post about it here, which also includes some links to jump ropes if you don’t have one and would like to get into it.  If you would rather not get a jump rope, you could easily substitute with jumping jacks, high knee running in place or going on a running for the specified durations.

My DIY Home Gym

For perspective, this is my DIY Home Gym.  My workouts do not require a lot of space or equipment.  I will detail the items and costs in future posts.

My DIY Home Gym
My DIY Home Gym

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